Saturday, May 26, 2007

About this statue thing...

WIth so much flak being shot around from so many sides on this MJ statue thing I feel like I should at least say something about my whole take. Everyone is doing it, so why not? I mean, there is something to this issue, otherwise I don't think the mass media would have even registered it.

First of all, Adam Hughes is not to blame. Marvel hired him to create the concept art the statue is based on, and he drew it. That isn't the issue. Hughes drew a decent pic, and how much of the controversy is that image causing? Hughes takes his liberties with anatomy, but at least his art shows he understands anatomy.

The sculpture holds most of the blame. Hughes made his image of MJ becuase he was paid to produce it, and then it was handed off to the sculpture to turn it into a 3d piece. They took liberties as they translated the work. Liberties that included a ripped seat in the jeans and the removal of MJ's gastro-intestinal tract.

Yes, the image is sexist and was made for male fans. How do I know this? I'm no expert, but I would think that in order to maintain balance in that type of pose she would have had to bend her knees ever so slightly. She isn't, and therefore presenting herself to the curious fan that figures out how to turn the statue around. To those who would suggest it wasn't intentional, I return to the point that the sculture has a rip in the seat of her jeans. It's a bonus, right?

Marvel should hire people to be a little more accurate with their 3d art. Take notes from the Women of DC busts that Hughes designed. Sure they're sexy, but in a good way - if that's possible. What I mean by that is that they retain the "good girl pinup" feel that Hughe's art tends to be known and admired for.

At least that's the unedited opinion of a male artist that feels he knows what he knows fairly well.

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