Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Something to note about the new Hulk movie

First of all, as many who know me would know, I loved the Hulk movie directed by Ang Lee. I have no clue how accurate it is to the comics, but I love the way the movie plays out the character drama.

As many people on the internet would know by now I'm sure, there is a new Hulk movie in the works with Edward Norton and Liv Tyler. I fear for this movie, firstly, because the director is the same guy who directed The Transporter. I didn't particularly care for this movie, but it did have style. Before people get too hyped, however, know that he also directed Dead or Alive.

Behold, Dead or Alive:

Also: Poor Devon Aoki. She just can't seem to break out of being typecasted.

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At 1:17 PM, Blogger CalvinPitt said...

The fact they made an actual movie based on Dead or Alive deeply horrifies me.

Still, I think I must seek this out and watch it with my firend Alex, so that we may laugh at it, though I'm sure it can't be as bad as Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation.

As for this director making the Hulk film, all I can say is make sure the Hulk fights the Army in the desert at some point. Multiple times would probably be good.

At 3:50 PM, Blogger Centurion said...

I know Hulk fights Angry Russian Hulk. Beyond that, I don't know.

You should be able to find the movie on YouTube as well, from what I've been told. I haven't searched for it myself personally, but YouTube has practically everything it seems.

Also, this movie has been out in Europe and the rest of the world for about a year. It's due out in the US later this year. Awesome marketing.


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