Saturday, May 27, 2006

Saw X-Men 3 last night...

All I can really say is "wow."

Wow, as in impressive special effects.
Wow, as in terrible writing.

I'll try to keep spoilers out.

Honestly, I don't care that Ratner took over directing. I don't care that they killed people off. I don't care that Storm had more screen time due to her having an Oscar and demanding it.

Still, there was little plot except as an excuse to fight. Mutants tossed in that really didn't belong half the time (I'll admit you need many mutants for an army, but they don't all need screen time). Glaring continuity problems. And, contrary to what Piccard was trying to teach the kids early on, there are no ethics or morals involved at the end - it is just one massively pretty battle.

It's sad too, becuase there were several moments where the film touched a very strong core. Angel crashing through the window and escaping over the street protest. Close up on Rogue when the cure is announced. Magneto working his magic is equally fun to watch.

I'll give it a C overall. If it would have been well written and executed it would have been much higher, and only the visuals save it from a worse grade.

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