Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Random Comic Thought #1

Stealing the idea, changing the name, and claiming my originality. Behold: Progress!

I've been reading the first sets of issues of Spawn. So far for the most part I have really enjoyed the comic. I started reading the recent episodes, and found the original issues cheap - I picked them up and started reading.

So basically what happens is Spawn touches a lance used by an angelic hunter that flew off after failing her one-hit-kill on Spawn. Now, I can forgive the abrupt end of the first battle with an angel after building the angel up to this force that has never been defeated. What through me for a loop were the guest writers that chipped in afterwards for several issues.

For the most part, the stories were really good and fit well within the whole 'mythos' created at that point in the title. My problem was Frank Miller's issue. Don't get me wrong, previously he did Sin City style Spawn poster that I thought was really nice and fitting - however, his story was just....out of place.

Spawn fighting a Nerd street gang and Creep gang over his alley filled with homeless bums. Stereotypical nerds fighting generic street punks, both armed with high tech weapons and having cyborgs on their sides. Very typical Frank Miller 'holy crap, you know how cool this would be?' storytelling. There was even a cute-ish girl involved, killed early on setting off the whole gang war.

So, in the end I have to say I liked the idea behind the guest writing, but Frank Miller doesn't belong on Spawn. It is close to his type of work, but he should be kept away from solo writing on the title. I wouldn't mind his art style, since Spawn could go Noir quite nicely. Also, remember that this is issue 11 I'm talking about, and 153 came out last month...

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