Tuesday, March 07, 2006

X-Men 3 trailer reactions

So yeah, the first actual trailer for X-Men 3 came out. I must say that it is looking quite average. I should also add what that means.

See, I'm with the camp that has serious doubts of Ratner living up to the legacy of the films set up by Singer. Though the make up jobs have looks fairly good, I have read spoilers about the story. Becuase of that, I have had serious worries about the movie and the plot points they are going with in the movie.

For the most part I have had a somewhat poor impression of how it will turn out. Sure, the action in the teaser looked good. The special effects are obviously cg to me, which kind of turns me off. The Beast was obviously being pulled by wires when he jumped, if that was him.

Juggernaught is a point many people are ticked off with. He's a favorite of mine along with Magneto, Mistique, Nightcrawler, and Rogue. I personally like the fact that he is made "normal" size, but I am really worried about how effective he will be in the movie. I have seen shots of his wrinkly muscle suit, but I'm thinking it won't be as noticible the Thing's suit. I have more issues with the effect of the walls crumbling in the trailer as he's chasing (shadowcat?).

Most of what I know about X-Men comes from these movies and the two animated shows, so I'm likely more open to this movie than actual fans that read the comics. The trailer does promise to be a really intense action movie, but I'm still worried it won't have the "heart" that was present in the first two.

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