Sunday, April 02, 2006


Long time since I posted. I blame allergies and work. Work saps my energy through the day, so I feel lathargic in the evening. Allergies have really kicked in, so I don't feel at all well during the day.

So, here's a little bit of what I thought about the comics that came out, nothing fancy or anything this time, just a few comics and my thoughts. Hopefully now I can type freely without much worry about spoilers.

Blue Beetle #1
Now, so make a few things straight so what I say will makes a little sense contextually. I consider myself a gamer. I'm not hardcore, but I know people who are. I understand that they are making Jaime out to at least appear as a geek/gamer. I like that in theory, but reading the 'gamer talk' they toss around felt very forced to me. I knew what they were talking about, but the gamers I know don't quite talk the way they did.

Maybe I'm being too hard on the writing, or maybe I lump all gamers into one group. It's an easy sterotype to write with a little knowledge of the online world. The gamers I tend to associate with are mainly MMORPG and pen&paper junkies, not FPS like they refer to in the issue. Like I said, I'm glad they are trying to introduce a somewhat unique persona.

Guy was an easy way out for a hothead to have battle Jaime, but his reactions are leading into a bigger mystery. I also liked the creepy girl with no eyes, and hope she is developed into a very interesting and complex character.

Green Lantern #10
So, countries got together to ban cross-nation pursual of heros due to events in Infinite Crisis and 52? That really has my curiosity working over time at the possibilities, not unlike in part two of Batman: Year 100 where they reflect back to this age and call it simpler times.

What really has me excited can be summed up with "Sinestro Corps." Yellow rings given to those who can cause great fear. No doubt Parallax is envolved somehow (yellow battery?). The really interesting thing, is that the Green Lantern Corp look like the newbie green lanterns overcame their lack of ability to touch yellow. The physical ability to cause fear will add a whole new layer to the yellow problem, such as a sudden inability to touch yellow mid-combat. That should really scare the new recruits.

Also, I am really into the mystery they are spinning out in Green Lantern as well, with the dead Lanters of the past returning. And yes, it is also good to note that Hal is accepting and dealing with his past. Finally, for Kal, I'll say this: Highball.

Superman/Batman #24
What the heck is going on? It is both hilarious and confusing to me at the same time. Need more Batzarro, so shouldn't end like that! One issue left in this arch so I hope there is a revelation of Saw proportions in store.

In my opinion, the OYL stories are really shaping up to well spun out mysteries. Superman, Batman, and all the others are really getting into really well concieved mysteries in my opinion. I am really looking forward to next issues of each series.

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At 4:01 AM, Blogger Azrael said...

When I was in college (that is, before I had to drop out and become the Angel of Vengeance) I used to play a lot of pen and paper RPGs.

Those were good times.

At 4:02 AM, Blogger Diamondrock said...

I enjoyed GL for the same reasons you did. It's good to see that Hal's taking responsibility for what happened in the past.

Can't wait to see where they take the whole Sinestro Corps thing (even if the name *is* stupid).


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