To Do List updates
After neglecting every single other project of mine during the month of November, I am finally ramping up focus on things left behind. I'm not stopping my writing, however, as there is still much to do in that realm of things. NaNoWriMo allowed me to lay more groundwork on my stories, but there is still much to continue with.
For the record, I have been writing a novel off and on for a long time, and I used NaNoWriMo to flesh out the other stories in the series. You can think of it in a way of writing the second book to an unfinished first, but some of it will likely be brought into the first as filler. Since there is so little actually written it is very hard to make much sense of the grand story. And yes, it is a grand epic tale of fantasy in many respects - except that there are no real 'good' characters to cheer for.
Other projects I had refered to before are several open-ended commission jobs to work on. One actually involves color, so that's going to be very interesting. I've never felt like my skill with color has been very good. I understand theory and meaning and all that sort of stuff involving color, but I've never felt like I was good at applying what I know. In any case, I've been asked about these works for a while now, so it is a good idea I get back to working on them.
I've also been toying with the idea of picking up tGSET once again. Some long lost browsers to this site may remember my brief mentionings of this thing, and for some they may actually think the idea is dead. Nothing ever really dies in an artist's mind...they just tend to drift away as they can't seem to fully create their vision, and they always think about what could be improved upon, after all.
For you new readers, tGSET is short for 'The Greatest Story Ever Told' and it is a grand tale of graphic fanfiction in which icons of the 80s and 90s crash together in a retelling of Lord of the Rings, with much twisting of that story itself with other stories. It is absolute madness, I tell you.
When I drifted away, I was still building up the story. It wasn't making a whole lot of sense, but since it is still pencil I can easily change it...
Anyway, that's my random update for this week...until Wed.
It's hard to keep working on projects... My problem is that I can never stick with one thing for too long.
I've got about four novels in progress and four comic projects as well. They're all progressing, but I can't seem to stick my focus to one for any length of time. So they all go slow...
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